Class WikWarehouse<LayoutData>Abstract


  1. Use Constructor as the Map key of TypedLists, thus we don't need a name for every list
  2. While calling add on List, should see if it has $$parent, and call $$parent.add ? So does remove & update
  3. Should I define fields with structure of map & set on warehouse to store the items added in order to find & iterate?

Type Parameters

  • LayoutData = any




$$isEmitter: true
animationManager: AnimationManager
bots: VectorLayerList<Bot, never>
chargepiles: SVGOverlayList<Chargepile, never>
conveyors: VectorLayerList<Conveyor, never>
globalConsts: GlobalConstManager
highlightManager: HighlightManager
imageManager: ImageManager
injector: IInjector
interactiveStateActionManager: InteractiveStateActionManager
labors: VectorLayerList<Circle<{}>, never>
layouted: boolean = false
locations: MarkerList<Location, never>
logger: ILogger
maintains: VectorLayerList<Circle<{}>, never>
modeManager: IModeManager
mounted: boolean = false
noEmit: boolean

set it True, the follow emit will be ignore and then set it False.

paneManager: PaneManager
points: VectorLayerList<Point, never>
rests: VectorLayerList<Circle<{}>, never>
root: WikMap = null
selectionManager: ISelectionManager
shelfs: VectorLayerList<Shelf, never>


  • Parameters

    • pairs: string | Record<string, any>
    • Optional value: any
    • Optional context: object

    Returns void

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